Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 9

The First Final Stretch
We're down to one more week for the first half of the time allotted to our senior thesis projects and we'll soon know whether we'll be working on them over break (hint: yes).

The Sad Turtle
The biggest product of this past week's labors is the Sad Turtle. Because I'm getting really into the sculpting through Zbrush workflow lately I decided to skip the modeling stage entirely by using zspheres instead. It went much quicker, though I have to learn to keep the detail simple at this stage rather than taking it as far as before it is even in geometry.
My first sketch using zspheres was based on my drawing of the sad turtle and ended up having distorted proportions and didn't really look right. I focused most of my time on getting the shell to be the right shape and the holes in it to be placed correctly.
After the zspheres comes the base sculpting. At the moment I like to resist the urge to raise the division level high because I know it's more important for me to focus on getting the base form right. After some experimentation, I decided to make the head of the turtle match a photo as closely as I could (at this low level). I knew that it would be much easier to pull the geometry around and stylize the turtle after I made it look like a turtle. In the end I got the form looking the way I wanted.
The final step was to retopologize which was done in ZBrush. While I like the simplicity of being able to do this straight from ZBrush, I wish it had a slightly improved interface for selecting and merging points. I kept missing points that were nearly on top of each other but not merged.

The Antique Bird Cage
I did most of the model for this last week but, looking back at it, hated the geometry of a lot of it. I cleaned up and remodeled most of it, making my proportions a bit better. I modeled the door flat and then bent it to match the curve of the cage. I plan to do the lower level of metal filigree as texture maps with alpha channels.

For some reason Maya also kept deleting my mesh as I was undoing, forcing me to do pieces all over again.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 8, 7

The Minstrel and The Steward
In the past two weeks I finished up both the Minstrel and Steward base meshes. Both of them are almost entirely one piece all the way from their shoes to their heads and hands. The only things that are separate are things like the laces on the minstrel's bracers. After a few more failed attempts at modeling braids, I realized that the best way to do it was just to sculpt them and retopo over them, so I took a cylinder into mudbox and sculpted some nice looking braids.

The Lute and the Birdcage
I started and mostly finished these two assets this week I put a bit too much detail into the lute for what I need but I was having fun with it (when's the next time I'll model a lute?).

For whatever reason, I designed unique shoes for the other two characters as well.

Up Next
In the last few weeks, I will need to finish up the cage, model the turtle, make some quick scrolls to stick in the steward's belt, and model the stage itself.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 6

The Minstrel
This week I moved on to the outer layers of the characters. At this point my goal is just to achieve clean base meshes with good topology and minimized separations so that they are better prepared for sculpting and texturing later on. I spent a lot of time finishing up the body base mesh for the steward which I didn't finish last week before moving on to her outfit. I tweaked the face nearly to death trying to get different proportions and styles and decided to shrink the chin of my original design because it just wasn't working out in 3D.

 I gathered most of my sketches together so that  I could look at all of them while I modeled. Before I imported them to maya I lined them up about as much as they could be. This allowed me to slide the plane around and choose which image to use.

 There are a few details that need to be modeled straight on to the outfit like the strings of her shirt and bracers. At times I tried to experiment with the topology to include various extra lines but in most cases I found it was much safer and easier to create the lines during the sculpting process (the V shaped line up her chest, for example). Here's the outfit as far as I've gotten so far.

Something I really struggled with (for some reason) was modeling the braided hair. I know the simple ways to model it, using just two pieces offset from each other in a line (ZBrush Hair Example) but I wanted to try to actually model the braids flowing through more accurately. I had a lot of reference images to go by and drew out the shape of the hair from three angles before I started. Right now I still only have a base mesh to go by for its shape but it's getting there.

I also quickly drew up a design for her shoes based on what I felt was a stylized shoe shape (clogs). I added the little feather shapes just for style.

Just a sketch for eye edge flow.

A final thing to mention in terms of progress on this project is that I've begun organizing my files a lot more. I now include the week number in my naming convention so I don't have to compare my various back up files so much and I keep much cleaner folders to sort through maya projects, digital sketches, references, and various other things. Visually I also organize my pictures (the important ones) using document styles. All of my renderings have been on the same lighting rig which is now exported into a separate project so I can continue using it that way; my entire design document had its own paper background; and my original sketch collections and renders had the ticket border which I'm still using on anything worth framing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 5

The Wheel Turns
This week is the first week of production! Appropriately, it's also the week I chose to drop my laptop off a table, damaging the mac partition and sending it to the shop for a while. Fortunately, this entire project has been backed up in several locations and I wasn't set back at all. Unfortunately a separate project was lost and I had to make up that work using time set aside for my thesis (not an excuse though). For the moment I'm stuck working in the labs where I can only harness the power of one screen at a time (I can't start watching the rigging and displacement videos while I model in other words).

Though it wasn't intended for use in this project, I sculpted the head of an old man similar to what I needed for the Steward using Mudbox's default head. It turned out surprisingly nice considering I haven't used Mudbox in half a year and was using my laptop's trackpad in the middle of class. This is the only thing I can think of that I might have lost that was part of this project.

For this week I intended to have the base meshes of both the Minstrel's and the Steward's bodies and heads completed and the meshes UVed.

The Steward
Anyway, I managed to get the base mesh completely done for the body and head of the Steward as well as some new side image planes to help with the modeling. I found that the thing that took me longest was trying to make my edge flow mimic the musculature (which I now know decently!). Along with the amount of time I put into this and the time I put into modeling similarly unnecessary features on my Rhino for my high poly modeling class, I've realized that the base mesh no longer needs to represent such details. Instead, I should be modeling extremely simple base meshes and using normal and displacement mapping for all the details (not just the fine ones). A good example is this project by Selwy in which a single base mesh was sculpted into more accurate representations of the characters and then taken to an insane level of detail without worrying about getting really any specific details in the mesh.

Here's what I ended up with for the Steward. I'll be taking this and sculpting and texturing it next quarter along with his outfit which I'll model in the coming weeks. For the heck of it I gave him a simple eye rig so he can look at the camera.

The Minstrel
The Minstrel was a bit harder because her face was simplified even more so that it would be stylized. In drawing it simpler, I used harder lines with larger empty planes in between. The 3D style I'm going for, though, ends up having rounded but heavy contours and lines. Whereas the Steward has wrinkles and the King has a big jaw, the Minstrel's face is relatively smooth. I took some extra time thinking about the planes of the face when drawing up the image planes for her. I didn't finish the mesh but I got decently far in it. I'm going to try to finish it later today so that it's out of the way. I was in the middle of redoing the nose when I stopped to render these out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 4

Design Document and Presentation

This week I spent a lot of time putting together the design document and presentation for our pitch following the completion of the pre-production phase. In addition to that, I did more designs for the guard, the queen, and a bit for the steward. These are all compiled nicely into the custom made design document pages that I'll post here.

As usual, I put a lot of time into the project but wasn't necessarily that efficient with it. I've been doing a poor job of knowing when to call it quits for the night and the effectiveness of my work falls off around 3 o'clock in the morning. Anyway, here's my time:

1:00 - Listing characters by importance. Listing assets needed for them and the environment. Listing materials. Describing the stage.
1:00 - Armor design, research, and drawing techniques.
2:30 - Sketching the guard posed and with his latest armor.
1:00 - Adding to the character card sketches (the guard's armor and fixed arm proportions)

0:30 - Fixing the king on the character card sketches.
1:00 - Reading the "Dynamic Figure Drawing" book.
1:00 - Creating color swatches for most of the characters on the character card sheet.
0:30 - Character design research.
1:30 - Buying nice clothes for the presentation.
8:00 - Compiling everything into a design document. Being generally slow about it.
2:00 - Coming up with a presentation in the wee hours of the morning.
0:30 - Updating blog.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 3

The Fat Queen
I spent time this week designing the queen and her outfit. After gathering a collection of old queen paintings I began copying their forms to commit them to memory (clothing design is not my thing). I then decided that the queen, being her arrogant self would not openly note her own weight so I drew her dress as if it was designed for a thinner figure. When drawn onto the queen's body, the dress becomes stretched and strained with bulges of fat folding out around her sides. I attempted to look up references for this sort of thing but google was not being friendly with its search results.

At some point I drew a front facing image of the queen's face, matching up the contours of her wrinkles as best as I could. Add a bit more grin and a bit less age and it'll be right where I want it.

Finally, I messed with her color a bit. I had basic color schemes for the guard, minstrel, and the king and when I quickly sketched an idea for the steward, I immediately liked the result (purple and gold). I took these and lined them up next to different color schemes (which will remain up in the air until I get to the texturing process).

Everything Else
This week I ordered some resources that will come in handy later in the quarter. I bought a book on dynamic posing, a dvd on character rigging, and a digital tutorial on exporting and rendering displacements properly from ZBrush (a workflow that can easily help with Mudbox as well). I read a few articles about good character design (which all turn out the same in the end) as well as an assortment of other tutorials from my 3D Artist magazines.

At some point in my sketching, I redrew the three non-royal characters in simple T poses. Displayed next to each other gives a better sense of the style I'm going for. I also drew the steward for the first time and liked the result.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 2

The Steward
The steward will be the most mistreated member of the king's retinue. The task of a steward is to do all the dirty work of running the kingdom so that the king is free to get himself into trouble (as they were wont to do). Unfortunately, the mad king insists on his presence and does little to aid him in his task. He has since become hunched, old, and fraught with sadness and boredom.

I did some basic design for the steward, starting by sketching some faces of distinctly old people. The difference between my quick starting sketch (between the T poses) and the updated faces on the figures is a big improvement. It was helpful for noting the places where wrinkles form and where the bones of the face protrude. As with the other characters, I determined a body shape- unnaturally thin, bony, and bent. His face is long and his cheeks sag.

The Minstrel
The minstrel is where the dynamism is at. As per a suggestion from a friend, I added another female to the procession. Being one of the two frontmost faces, it is probably a good thing. When imagining a male minstrel, I see other faces similar in structure to the king (the minstrel is a bit mad him/herself). Besides that, it balances out the picture a bit by creating a pocket of men in the center to compare amongst and by drawing the queen back into the picture.

I'm still brushing up on my sketching skills and was having some trouble stylizing the face (on purpose) in a way similar to the king. This face, therefor, is not the final face but still represents the character (the face of the sketch beside the final drawing is closer). I worked on creating a feminine form and creating dynamic curves in the pose of the minstrel. I also designed her a custom lute with a bit of a melted shape and a color scheme that reminds me of a spanish guitar.

The Guard
The guard's armor is going to be somewhere between ornate and heavily worn, something that looks like it was passed on for generations from a long dead knight. This was just a design I created, one of several hopefully. I was trying to retain his broad upper body relative to his legs while deciding on what types of helmets might be good for giving him that intimidating look. It needs to shadow his eyes, offer protection, and not look cheesy (like a roman legionnaire helmet).

Previs in 3D
I've been a little bit slow on producing a good blocked out scene in 3D (which I should rightfully have done right from the start) so I did that this week as well. After modeling out the king, I liked the simple human model I was using and decided to make one that could be more easily morphed into other body shapes. The other four characters all stem from the same base mesh, tweaked and posed into place. Now that I see it in 3D I prefer the closer angle which means I don't have to worry so much about making it an entire throne room. I also found that I need to work on fitting the queen in better (though the quick lighting I applied darkens her a bit too much) so that she fits better.
After block modeling the scene, I started sketching over it the characters that I have been designing. Right now it is just the minstrel and the king but the addition of their bright colors does a lot for the scene and ensures that my vision is still fitting together.

Previs Rig
I looked into rigging a little bit to figure out how I might approach rigging these characters once I've finished them. I made some sketches of how I'd visualize testable rigs (blocked out rigidly bound forms) and modeled one. I got a bit carried away making it look nice but I can still use it. Strangely, my Maya just decided that mental ray doesn't work and won't load the mental ray rendering options tabs (I can't unload the plug-in and restarting doesn't help. Reinstalling is probably the solution). Anyway, these screenshots will have to do.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 1

This is the first of many updates I will be providing during the run of this project. I've already begun designing some of the characters and props needed for the complete scene and will hopefully have the rest done pretty quickly in these first few weeks.

The Turtle in the Cage
I focused first on the turtle and the cage in which he dangles. The turtle is forced to the center of the image by the king but, being only a turtle, cares little for his importance and would rather just go hide in his shell next to a nice pond somewhere. After looking at turtles and getting a better handle on their form, I drew some images of what I would expect a turtle in this situation to look like. As for the cage, I had a shape in mind already but I also wanted to explore elements of its design and add some extra textural details. I chose a rather open cage so that the turtle can be seen through its bars.

The Fat Queen and the Captain of the Guard
I began designing these two characters by thinking about their body types. The captain's primary feature is his size as well as the queen's so it was a good place to start.

The Players and the Stage
I've had the setting of these characters in my head since the beginning but am just starting to design it in full. My main concerns are how much of the set will be visible since so much of it will fade to darkness. I'm thinking about possibly cutting the entire set off on either end kind of like a puppet stage. I think the puppet feeling would go well with the characters since they're designed to seem out of place in a royal setting. Here are some sketches of the players and the stage.