Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Radiantly Mad King - Week 1

This is the first of many updates I will be providing during the run of this project. I've already begun designing some of the characters and props needed for the complete scene and will hopefully have the rest done pretty quickly in these first few weeks.

The Turtle in the Cage
I focused first on the turtle and the cage in which he dangles. The turtle is forced to the center of the image by the king but, being only a turtle, cares little for his importance and would rather just go hide in his shell next to a nice pond somewhere. After looking at turtles and getting a better handle on their form, I drew some images of what I would expect a turtle in this situation to look like. As for the cage, I had a shape in mind already but I also wanted to explore elements of its design and add some extra textural details. I chose a rather open cage so that the turtle can be seen through its bars.

The Fat Queen and the Captain of the Guard
I began designing these two characters by thinking about their body types. The captain's primary feature is his size as well as the queen's so it was a good place to start.

The Players and the Stage
I've had the setting of these characters in my head since the beginning but am just starting to design it in full. My main concerns are how much of the set will be visible since so much of it will fade to darkness. I'm thinking about possibly cutting the entire set off on either end kind of like a puppet stage. I think the puppet feeling would go well with the characters since they're designed to seem out of place in a royal setting. Here are some sketches of the players and the stage.

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